Reasons Why You Need a Beach Vacation

Besides already knowing that beach vacations are generally very relaxing, there's also science behind why you should book a beachside escape.

Although we didn’t need science to tell us this, several different studies have shown that a trip to the ocean is good for us, providing reduced stress levels and making us more happy and creative.

The reason? Living or spending time in locations that have a lot of blue spaces, like a body of water for example, allows our brains process natural backdrops better, reducing sensory stimuli and promoting mental relaxation… and surely mental relaxation is part of the purpose of travel. We can even go so far as to say that the sounds, smells, and sights of an ocean certainly evoke a certain “feeling” inside all of us. Think island time. Although there is still research to be done to see if other senses come into play in regards to the healing effects of water, hearing the sounds of waves crashing against the shore sure does give us a sense of relaxation.

In addition, many people also feel better when they are exposed to sunlight. Sunlight is thought to increase levels of the chemical serotonin, which makes you just feel good. Just don't forget your sunscreen :)

Even after adjusting factors such as income level, age, and location, these same studies have found that “green spaces” (parks, fields, forests) don't have the same benefits to one's mental wellbeing.

Think about it: Would you rather take a walk on a treadmill or walk along the beach with a gentle salt breeze on your face and crashing waves? Exactly our point. Being at the beach means being outside, being active,

and getting more Vitamin D (lowers blood pressure, supports immune system, helps with rheumatoid arthritis). Saltwater is even good for you, providing your skin with good minerals and exfoliation from the sand and salt.

For most of us, a beach trip is associated with vacation. It's when we unplug, spend time with family or friends, and recharge our brains. The next time you need a break to rejuvenate your body and brain, head to the beach. The science backs up what we've known all along! At Gusto México, we offer numerous fun beach trips, so be sure to check out what trips we’re planning next and join us!

Nick Marranzino