Create Better Travel Memories

Here at Gusto Mexico, we have collected our top five ways to create and remember happy memories from your travels. Check them out below and let us know what you think!

Creating memories in Tulum.

Creating memories in Tulum.

  1. Go to a new place every year

    Travel is all about getting out of your routine, experiencing new things, new cultures, new foods, and new people. That’s one of the quickest ways to make memories - novel experiences. Of course there’s nothing wrong with traveling to the same place over and over again, but if we want a trip to stand out and be memorable, we have to seek out new experiences.

  2. Leave your comfort zone

    The right kind of stress can help cement details in our memories. In other words: People remember emotions. When they do something that scares them a little bit, it gets the adrenaline pumping!

  3. Engage all your senses

    Experiences that stimulate multiple senses have a better chance of making a memorable moment. Listening, smelling, and tasting are crucial memory triggers. Recording sounds from a special place can help us remember it.

  4. Buy that souvenir

    Objects that remind us of a time and place relieve our brains from having to remember everything. It’s sometimes good to “outsource” our memories through pictures, soundtracks, etc. And the best part is that souvenirs don’t have to be tacky. It can be a beautiful ceramic vase that you got from the hands of a pottery and clay designing woman in Oaxaca :)

  5. End your trip on a high note

    Most people will remember experiences by their most intense moment and how they ended. Finishing your trip on a high is a must! For some, it might be eating your last meal at a restaurant you’ve had on your list, or for others it might be something as extreme as skydiving.

Interested in a trip that leaves you filled with amazing memories? Be sure to check out where we’re heading next and reach out if you have any questions or want to join! We’d love to have you!

Nick Marranzino